“It’s never too late to retire early”

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03 Dec 2020 | How Social Security invests its money

The Never Too Late Investor

“It’s never too late to retire early”

These stocks are recession-ready. You better buy them now

These stocks are recession-ready. You better buy them now
Image Source: Motley Fool

The stock market crash earlier this year showed the importance of keeping recession-ready stocks in your portfolio. Many companies were not prepared for the crash, and their stock performance reflected that. 

Hopefully, we won’t see another stock market crash quite like the one we had earlier this year. It’s still a good idea to look for stocks that can thrive in recessions as well as in prosperous times.  Here are three stocks that might just fit the bill.

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Gordon Fox


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Gordon Fox is the editor of investinglate.com and writes about Investments, Savings, and how to make the most of your money