“It’s never too late to retire early”

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11 Jan 2021 | Unhappy with your retirement savings balance?

The Never Too Late Investor

“It’s never too late to retire early”

Unhappy with your retirement savings balance?

Man looking at his computer with folded hands
Image Source: Motley Fool

Social Security doesn’t provide enough income for most seniors to live comfortably. That is why workers are advised to save independently for retirement. It’s a good idea to close out your career with ten times your ending salary stocked away in a 401(k) or IRA. 

You need a substantial amount to retire securely. If you aren’t happy with how your 401(k) or IRA looks at the present, don’t stress. Instead, consider these two options to help avert a personal financial disaster during your senior years.

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Picture the perfect stock for a moment. (clicking link will opt you on to liberty through wealth free e-letter. Privacy Policy

What would it look like? No doubt it would have hundreds of billions in revenue – more than tech giants like IBMFacebook, and Google. 

It would probably be a leader in cutting-edge technology like smartphones, robotics, e-commerce, and medical equipment. 

It would have tens of thousands of unbreakable patents. 

It would pay an enormous dividend. 

It would be on the verge of dozens of blockbuster announcements that would send the stock higher and higher. 

And most of all…  

It would trade ultra-cheap – less than $3. 

It seems crazy that such a stock exists. 
But it does

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Gordon Fox


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Gordon Fox is the editor of investinglate.com and writes about Investments, Savings, and how to make the most of your money