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30 Dec 2020 | How 2021 can make you a millionaire

The Never Too Late Investor

“It’s never too late to retire early”How 2021 can make you a millionaire

How 2021 can make you a millionaire
Image Source: Entrepreneur

How much money would you be willing to sacrifice for one year if you knew that making that sacrifice would enable you to wind up a millionaire in retirement? A large enough, one-time investment compounded over a sufficient number of years at a high enough return rate can grow to $1 million. 

It is something to consider. After one year of living a spartan lifestyle to save up enough to make a massive investment, you wouldn’t have to save another dollar for the rest of your career and still become a millionaire. Here’s how 2021 can put you on the path to millionaire status.

Tired of the rich getting richer while you stand by and watch?

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Paul Mampilly is a Wall Street legend.

(Barron’s crowned his hedge fund as the “world’s best” and Kiplinger ranked it in the top 1%.)

But a few years ago, he left Wall Street.

“I just grew tired of helping the rich get richer,” Paul explains. “So I started sharing my No. 1 investment picks with Main Street Americans.”

And his No. 1 stock picks have been phenomenal.

In 2016, Paul’s No. 1 pick — Tableau Software — shot up 199%.
In 2017, Paul’s No. 1 pick — Foundation Medicine — shot up 524%.
In 2018, Paul’s No. 1 pick — Roku — shot up 393%.
In 2019, Paul’s No. 1 pick — MTech Acquisitions — shot up 332%.

But Paul believes his No. 1 stock pick for 2021 could go even higher. (By clicking this link you will be automatically opted into Bold Profits Daily)

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Gordon Fox


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Gordon Fox is the editor of investinglate.com and writes about Investments, Savings, and how to make the most of your money